Jillian Michaels Killer Ab!!!

I mentioned the other day that I had completed my Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred.

I am really proud of myself for that and without hesitation, I started Jillian's Killer Abs right after!

Every morning, I'd be up at 6 AM, have my coffee, then straight to my exercise with Jillian.

Only 30 minutes but my well spent 30 minute of the day.

She keeps me going, and motivated, not bored at all!

I have also tried few other workouts by other people, but none of them were exciting for me :(

I am just so proud of myself that I am keeping up this promise for many days now.

I have to say, I feel different, I mean I feel so good, and I can see muscle gain through my own eyes.

Also, my diet has changed tremendously for the better that is :)

My journey will be a long one... but I won't quit!

I thought I share my progress, so that I don't give up.

I know I don't have a nice looking body, and lots scars from surgeries, but that's not the point here, please be nice :)

Thanks all!

Picture below is early January & end of January, do you see the difference?

©Estee Cha Photography

©Estee Cha Photography